
Adopt a Grandparent

Give a Smile

& Get a Smile

Help spread joy to our local Seniors! Join the national #AdoptAGrandparent movement by sponsoring a Balloon Buddy.

Balloons Chicago is proudly joining the National #AdoptAGrandparent movement in the hopes of spreading SMILES to our Palatine seniors.

The #AdoptAGrandparent campaign is intended to deliver happiness to our seniors that have been unable to experience the joy of visiting with their loved ones for so long.  We want them to feel the love and support of this incredible community by sending each one of them a BIG smile via a Balloon Buddy.

Our first adoption campaign begins with our treasured seniors living in “Solstice at Palatine”. (Formerly known as Tamarak)


Deliveries are not intended for specific residents but rather the entire residency as a whole.  Balloon Buddy’s will be delivered and distributed among every resident including staff following all safety protocols.

Adopt a Grandparent This year has brought many challenges to us all, and while it can be a struggle to adjust to these social distances it proves especially difficult for our Seniors in our assisted living communities. Being that smiles are the driving force behind all our creations we are certain we can help spread some much-needed joy, so joining the nationwide #AdoptAGrandparent campaign was something we knew we must do.

The national Adopt a Grandparent program is intended to bring happiness to the many seniors in our area unable to experience the joy of visiting with loved ones. We want them to feel the support of our community and let them know we are thinking of them and they are loved by sending each one of them a smile via a Balloon Buddy.

With your support, our small business can help make a big difference in our community.
Please consider sending our seniors a smile by sponsoring Balloon Buddy.
These deliveries are not intended for specific residents but rather the entire residency as a whole including staff and will be distributed among residents by the staff following all safety protocols.

Each Balloon Buddy will have a tag reading….

This little buddy brings some joy to brighten up your day 

Someone special thought of you and sends a smile you way. 

For updates on our progress visit our facebook & instagram we will post as many pictures as we can of the deliveries made along with progress in reaching our goals.  

Our First Sponsorship campaign begins with Solstice at Palatine. With your help we hope to continue this program so that it reaches all our local residencies. 

"Lets get this Party Started!"